Extracurricular classes at SEI Let your child explore their real passion Nurture your child's hidden talent Planned around school schedule Curated Programs | Structured Learning After school hours SEI is partnering with Flurn to bring you an amazing learning experience. To sign up please visit Read more For students from elementary to high school, SEI provides an extensive after school program to complement and enhance our curriculum. Our after-school programs are designed to suit the interests and needs of all our students. Programs are taught by Professionals Coaches. The current list of classes available are: Guitar - with Samuel Richard Keyboard Studio - with Samuel Richard Karate - with Sadiq Pasha (Blackbelt 3rd DAN, Shorin Ryu) Programs Branch Day Time Grades Instructor Guitar Mico Layout Tue and Thu 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM 3rd and above Samuel Richard Bilekahalli Mon and Wed Keyboard Studio Mico Layout Tue and Thu Bilekahalli Mon and Wed Karate Mico Layout Mon, Wed and Fri 2nd and above Sadiq Pasha Bilekahalli Tue and Thu Sat 7:00 AM to 9:00 AM Please note the activities are open to non-SEI students as well. If you would like to enroll contact us at sei-office-m@shantiniketan.edu.in or call at +91 (080) 26689385.