Back Community Service 2019-2020 SEI aims to educate students for life and develop in them a strong sense of responsibility and commitment towards the community. The school endeavors to provide multiple opportunities for students to connect with organizations and people who share the school’s vision and ethos and contribute to service programs in meaningful, productive ways. Interact Club At SEI we have set up a Rotary-sponsored Interact Service Club to provide our students an opportunity to participate in fun and meaningful service projects while developing leadership skills and meeting new friends. Navachethana – School for the Specially Abled Children Students of SEI have visited Navachethana Trust School for the Specially Abled Children on 16th August 2019. Our students helped them in cooking and serving food. They cheered them up by talking, narrating stories and by entertaining them with cultural programmes. SUPW-Cooking Without Fire SUPW classes at SEI enabled students to correlate knowledge with craft and theory with practice. Cooking without fire helped students to explore new cooking techniques which are healthy, easy, quick to implement when needed independently. Students prepared food containing a nutritional value such as sprouts, fruit salad, milkshake, etc.. They also prepared tasty and delicious snacks such as cupcakes, fruity shake and masala chats, etc. Scouts, Guides, Cubs and Bulbul SEI drill the students towards selfless service to the nation through Scouts, Guides, Cubs and Bulbul to stimulate them to serve mankind. Scout students have completed the DWITIYA SOPAN level successfully and was awarded certificates as a token of appreciation. CUBS of standard III took part in DWITIYA CHARAN and received their certificates.Annual rally for Scouts, Guides, Cubs and Bulbul was held on 8th February, 2020 at Wilson Garden.72 students took part and received their participation certificates. Students also participated in various competitions held and bagged various gold and silver medals. Social Service Awareness Projects Mental Health Awareness Program. Ms. Manavi G. Rao a child prodigy from the USA, addressed the students of SEI class X on awareness of mental health problems which is one of the global crises faced by youth. Dengue Awareness Program Students of SEI class VII & VIII took the initiative to spread awareness on dengue – causes, effects, and preventive measures though AV presentation.