SEI covid-19 Precautions SEI is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for all students, staff and visitors to the School and will continue to follow the advice of Government and Public Health authorities in response to COVID 19 in reopening the school for academic year 2020 – 21. What measures will SEI be taking to prevent the transmission of the coronavirus? The safety of students is our top priority. Our house keeping staff will deep clean and disinfect the school premises at the end of the day across all SEI campuses as per Karnataka Government guidelines. Students will always be required to wear the mask inside the school campus . Students not wearing a mask will not be permitted to attend school. Students will need to purchase a new mask at the school bakery if they misplace their mask. Temperature checks will be conducted upon entry into school. Bins will be provided in every classroom and emptied at the end of the day. School will clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces and objects in the classroom such as desks, doorknobs, taps, and handrails at regular intervals throughout the day. School will clean and disinfect frequently used objects such as computer, lab, and sports equipment. School will thoroughly clean frequently touched points in bathrooms after each break and at the end of the day. Will SEI be conducting an awareness session for the students to encourage them to practice good hygiene? Students will be required and reminded to practice good hygiene as directed for COVID 19. But we will expect parents to support the School by reminding their kids to support these practices: Wear a mask in public. Frequently wash hands with soap and water (before and after eating, using the bathroom etc.). Bring hand sanitizer to school and use it regularly. Practice good respiratory hygiene - cover coughs and sneezes with elbow or tissue. Place tissues straight in the dustbin. Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth. Avoid contact with sick individuals. Do not share food and water. Do not share personal equipment or stationery. Initiate non-contact greetings. Limit physical contact in the playground. How is SEI managing appropriate physical distancing requirements? The greatest risk of transmission in the school environment is between adults. Staff and parents alike will be required to maintain physical distancing and the School has made the following changes to several arrangements: Drop-off and Pick-up procedures from school Parents should be mindful of keeping a six-foot distance from others during drop-off and pick-up. Parents should not park and leave their vehicle to access the school for the purpose of student pick-up and/or drop-off. Students commuting to school by private vehicle may only exit/enter the vehicle at designated drop-off and pick-up areas. Students should, where possible, maintain physical distancing when arriving or departing School and waiting for transport (private and public). All gatherings like assemblies, labs, team sports, extracurricular group activities, school-based afterschool programs etc. will be suspended until further notice. How is physical distancing being managed for students? Students will be required and reminded to practice physical distancing. Please support the School in reminding your children to adhere to the following practices: Avoid close-proximity queueing (on entering and leaving classrooms). Sit in the designated seats and try to space out in classrooms as much as possible from other students. Maintain 3 ft physical distancing from academic and support staff. Maintain physical distancing when moving between classrooms or activities. Limit the use of shared equipment or resources. Limit physical contact during activities. Submit work electronically for feedback where possible. Is physical distancing being followed at short breaks and lunchtime? Yes, students will not be allowed to use the common lunch area and they will have to eat at their desk. Students will be required and reminded to practice physical distancing. Please support the School in reminding your children to adhere to the following practices: Maintain physical distancing and follow markings and signage when queueing. Not to congregate in common areas during short breaks and lunch. Bring an individual water bottle to school for use as water refill stations will be open. Will school transport services be available after the school reopens? Yes, school transport services will be available when school reopens and SEI will follow the Government Guidelines regarding distancing rules on a school bus. How will SEI manage suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19? Yes, students will not be allowed to use the common lunch area and they will have to eat at their desk. Students will be required and reminded to practice physical distancing. Please support the School in reminding your children to adhere to the following practices: Any student who is not well or displays symptoms potentially associated with COVID-19 like cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever, chills, muscle pain, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell must not attend School. Any student who, while at school, becomes unwell or displays symptoms potentially associated with COVID-19 must immediately inform the teacher and report to the Infirmary. If required, parents will be contacted by the school’s nurse to collect their child and seek appropriate medical attention. Any student who is confirmed COVID-19 positive must notify the school and call Karnataka COVID-19 helpline number 104. They can also dial additional helpline numbers for Karnataka 080-4684600 or 080-66692000. The student cannot attend school and must adhere to isolation/quarantine protocols. Student will not be permitted to return to school until formal release has been received from the local public health authorities. What is the SEI policy when a confirmed case has entered the school? If an infected person has been in the school building SEI will close the school immediately and follow the procedures listed below: Notify and Coordinate with local health officials to determine a course of action for the school. Dismiss students and most staff for short-term for 2-5 days. Communicate with staff, parents, and students about possible COVID-19 exposure. Clean and disinfect school premises thoroughly. Close off areas used by the individuals with COVID-19. Open outside doors and windows to increase air circulation and wait up to 24 hours before beginning cleaning and disinfection. HK staff will clean and disinfect all areas (e.g., offices, bathrooms, and common areas) used by the ill persons, focusing especially on frequently touched surfaces. Recommended Resources PBS Website CDC Website COVID-19 Interactive Map Ministry of Health & Family Welfare - India Indian Council of Medical Research - Government of India