Exhibitions Art Exhibition Inhale Possibility, Exhale Creativity, beautiful artwork of the students was displayed on the day of Parent Teacher Meeting. Hindi divas 14th September is marked as Hindi Divas. The students of SEI took the initiative to present the origin of the language and its significance. Students also created informative charts and organized a fun-filled activity called “ मैं कौन हूँ ”(Main Kaun Hoon) where the parents and teachers were asked to identify the food ingredient in Hindi. Awareness on Vote Students of SEI created various models and projects as per curriculum and presented before parents and faculty during the PTM held on Aug 10th 2019. Students also created an awareness of the Procedure – HOW TO CAST VOTE? LITERARY WORLD Parents had a great time participating in the English world solving puzzles, matching the interjections and prepositions to the right phrase which was organized by the students of SEI. Thanks to all the parents for their overwhelming participation. Awareness on Diwali Interact club organized eco-friendly Diwali awareness program on 12th Oct 2019. Activities such as Diya painting, light and blow, poster making, and write a slogan with match sticks were organized for the parents and students. Each participant was given a plant with a thought-provoking eco-friendly Diwali message. We also had an exhibition-cum-sale of greeting cards and diyas. Let’s not forget our nature this Diwali, let us all celebrate eco-friendly Diwali.