In our pre-primary Montessori program at SEI, the classroom environment is prepared to meet the needs of the young toddler both at the emotional and cognitive levels. Toddlers learn consciously through active hands on experience. Learning will take place when they are allowed to do things on their own.
Toddlers are encouraged to choose their activities from among a wide variety of prepared materials in a carefully planned and structured environment. Sharing, waiting one’s turn and developing patience are all emphasized daily. Pre-primary children explore lessons in the areas of Language, Mathematics, Sensorial, Science and Nature, Practical Life, Fine Arts and Music.
Our teachers see themselves as guides and facilitators of children’s learning. Teachers prepare the learning environment, assist children in making choices, and observe and record progress in order to better follow the interests and needs of each individual. At SEI we ensure that the Montessori exercises are continuously changing as the needs of the children grow and change.